For those of you who are shoe lovers or know shoe lovers, you are familiar with Zappos - the online shoe emporium known for legendary customer service, free shipping on purchases and returns, and devotion to an outstanding customer experience. But did you know that Zappos offers new hires $2,000 to quit – before they have even started?
A recent Business Week article explored this unique Zappos phenomenon. After a four week training program, where new hires are steeped in the Zappos culture, they are offered salary for the time worked plus $2,000 to quit. A surprising 97% of them choose to stay.
How many of us would find the same things within our own organization? And how many of us deliver the same high and consistent level of customer service that Zappos does?
Like Zappos, when building a culture driven by customer service, we have to focus on our hiring and training practices. At Beryl, we hire for compassion and put new advisors through a rigorous cultural and skill-based training program. All in the spirit of delivering exemplary customer service to our clients and their customers.
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We keep our call center staff engaged by letting them know the management team cares about them as a person, and do our best to provide our call center teams with the opportunity to do their best every day. We have found that employee recognition is worth gold to employees and we do our best to recognize employes frequently for the work they do.