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Be Proactive, Help New Movers Find Your Hospital

Moving to a new city or state can be an incredibly difficult and time consuming task. Those on the move have to find a new job, get a new place to live, and move all their stuff while hopefully avoiding broken or lost items.

The last thing most people probably want to think about during this moving process is having to find a physician in their new home city. At the most, the search is just another box on checklist of to-dos, and at the worst, the hunt for a new doctor could leave them feeling completely lost.

As with many of the other trappings of relocating, new residents are using the Internet to help them find their new physician. According to recent statistics, there are 30 million (and rising) people searching online for a physician each month. Unfortunately, once the physician search begins, the depth browsers go is surprisingly limited.

From the search engine’s results, 80 percent of clicks from potential patients are on the top five results listed. With web referrals between five and ten times as cost effective as other forms of traditional marketing, this is something physicians and hospital systems need to be active in addressing.

So the question is this: Just what is your healthcare organization doing to address how easily and prominently your physicians are found?

If your answer is, “Not much,” then BerylHealth and Vitals have a solution for you.

Our new Vitals -powered program, called Enhanced Web Referral Services,  has been created to increase the number of physician referred calls by at least 30 percent. This is done by search engine optimizing each individual physician’s name. From there, all calls to action are forwarded to the BerylHealth call center, where potential patients are greeted by a compassionate, professional patient experience advocate who will then make a record of their vital demographic information and help get them on track to making an appointment at your facility.

Additional benefits of the program include statistics on both web traffic and call history, as well as detailed ROI analysis to measure downstream revenue impact.

Interested in how Enhanced Web Referral Services can move you to the front of the physician search? Be sure to contact BerylHealth today. We’ll put you first when people new to your area make a move to find their physician.